
I finished work,I’m finished

i tried 2023-12-01 17:26 440 墨鱼
i tried

I finished work,I’m finished

I am done with playing music! 劳资再也不干音乐这行了!▌Finished 一个绝对意义,表示全部结束了。He is finished with all of his work, because he has done each of his profinished goods───制成品,产成品;n.[工经]制成品work my way───按我的方式工作my i───我的i双语使用场景Thanks to your help, I finished my work on time.──

i finished work at 5 pm 我5点下班i was working from 9 am to 5 pm 我上午九点到下午5点在工作这段时间的长期持续发生的事情什么时候用过去进行时?一I finished my work late and dragged home. I ___ myself deep into the sofa. I was too ___ to cook anything for myself, so I ordered a pot of chicken upon my phone

∪▂∪ 1I’vefinished much of the work. Could you please finish ___ in two days? A. the rest B. the other C. another D. the others 2I have done much of the work . Could必应词典为您提供I-have-just-finished-my-work的释义,网络释义:表示刚刚完成的动作;我把工作做完;我刚刚完成我的工作;

注意:finish后有宾语,一般用have finished:I should have finishedthe book by Friday.我本该在星期五之前写完这本书的。Tom replied that he had finishedthe work.汤姆回答说他第一句是不对的,应该说My work is finished by me ,被动语态,我的工作被我做完了。第二句话是对的,意思是:我完成了我的工作希望能帮到你,祝你成功!


标签: I’m finished



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