

经典英文串烧 2023-12-05 11:32 239 墨鱼


单词串烧编课文必修31.An Interesting Festival TheAgriculturalFeasttakesplaceafter theIndependenceDay. It is not aworldwidecelebration. OnlyChristians inMexicolook1、butter bitter better 共同的地方:b, tter 串烧助记:黄油(butter)苦(bitter)一点更好(better) 2、mat pat hat cat eat fat rat bat 相同的地方:at 串烧助记:席子(mat)拍

一.单词N apkin 口布Knife 刀toothpick 牙签Menu 菜单watermelon 西瓜second floor 二楼Diet coke 健怡可乐Pork 猪肉Milk 牛奶Ice water 冰水fried 一.单词N apkin 口布Knife 刀toothpick 牙签Menu 菜单watermelon 西瓜second floor 二楼Diet coke 健怡可乐Pork 猪肉Milk 牛奶Ice water 冰水fried rice 炒饭noo

Unit12Lifeisfulliftheunexpected.◆单词串烧MyunluckydayItwastheunluckiestdayofmylife.Toomanyunexpectedthingshappenedonthatday.Iplannedtomeetmyfriendattheairport.Butthealarmclockdidn'韭菜ham 火腿potato 土豆Beef steak 牛排pork 猪肉Chicken drumsticks 鸡腿mushroom 蘑菇Barbecue grill 烧烤架charcoal 木炭fire 创作时间:二零二一年六月三十日创

ˋ^ˊ 我爱记单词:Unit5单词串烧速记The Great President伟大的总统As thefounderof therepublic, thepresidenthad many goodqualities. Beforecoming to power, he was agenerou人教版高中英语必修一我爱记单词:Unit4单词串烧速记巧记单词:Unit4单词串烧速记A Horrible Earthquake可怕的地震Dirty water rose in well s and canal s before the eart

She asks us tolook upthe new words in the dictionary. Forgrammar, she let ustake notes.Formemorizingnew words,repeating is a good way. You can alsoconnect them wi单词串烧Suitableexpressions Whilevisitingaforeigncountry,it'snecessaryforustoknowhowtoaskforhelppolitely.Forexample,youmayask“Wherearetherestrooms?〞or“Pardonm


标签: 中英文歌曲串烧



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