

用turnon造句子 2023-12-01 21:18 111 墨鱼


例题二:根据汉语提示,用take造句。1. 你能帮我拍张照吗?(take a photo)2. 我每天都要坐公交车关于用take造句有如下:作为动词,主要有以下几种用法:拿,取I want to take some books to the classroom. 我想拿些书到教室;吃,喝,服用,放:Take this

用take造句1、I want to take some books to the classroom.我想拿些书到教室2、Take this medicine three times a day.每天吃三次药3、Do you take sugar in your milk?用take造句. 相关知识点:试题来源:解析1.I take my bag and book to school.2.Will you take my bag to the taxi?3.Can l take my goldfish to school?4.Take my kids to

take place造句复制1、Electionstake placeevery year.(每年都进行各项选举。2、Where will the draw for the cartake place?(汽车抽签将在哪里举行? 3、The summer Oly1、Youtakeforward,and I'lltakecenter. 2、takepossession of;takecontrol of 3、Take away fuel,takeaway flame. 4、I seldomtakeexercises. 5、Pleasetaket

1.I take my bag and books to school.2.Would you please take my bag to the taxi?3.Can l take my goldfish to the school?4.I take my kids to school every m1、take tothe boats 2、take tothe hills 3、Don'ttake tocrooked ways. 4、I nevertake tothem. 5、Don'ttake tocrooked ways. 6、to addict; to indulge i


标签: 用so…that造句子



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