

induce例句 2023-12-04 22:49 455 墨鱼


Good counsel has no price. [谚]忠言无价。A person who gives counsel; an adviser. 顾问提建议者;劝告者Counsel to desist from a specified undesirable course of ac单词Counsel 例句大全,用单词Counsel造句:Counselafter action is like rain after harvest. 放马后炮。Deliberate incounsel, prompt in action 始如处女后如脱兔Deliber

例句:The fear that these cannot be managed is a counsel of despair. 担心无法管理这些政策是在自暴自弃。Even taking into account the virtues of the US bankruptcy regime 简明例句It's part of my job, you know, tocounselpatients. 这是我工作的一部分,你知道吗,为病人提供建议。情景例句I would nevercounselrushing blindly into war. 我绝不会

counsel的解释n. 商议,忠告,法律顾问v. 商议,劝告counsel的例句Each side of a case in court has its owncounsel. 法庭上原告和被告双方都有各自的律师。英语单词counsel的用法和辨析一、详细释义:n. 商议,审议[U] 例句:Shetookcounselwithherlawyer. 她与她的律师商量。例句:Comenowtherefore,andletustakecounseltogether

精选例句高考1、He had always been able to count on her wise counsel. 他总是能够指望她明智的忠告。来源:**【点此进秒词邦小程序】查看更多真题例句回到顶部点击反1、The judge warn counsel not to prompt the witness.法官提醒律师不要提示证人。2、The general counsel shuffled papers.法律顾问翻动了一叠文件。3、Wayne B. Wheeler

13、She was in need of advice and goodcounsel-lovingcounsel. 14、The Boyars'counsel, that is thecounselof the nobles, literally met in the palace. 17. The prime minister was right to counsel caution about military intervention. 首相提出进行军事干预要慎重,这是很正确的。8. Their caution has been richly rewarde


标签: psychological例句



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