
take in的用法,take in the

take after的用法 2023-12-10 16:51 563 墨鱼
take after的用法

take in的用法,take in the

3take part in 的用法1、表示参加某项工作或事业,并在其中起一定作用。如:take part in the sports meet 参加运动会take part in the contest 参加比赛take part in the Long Ma以下是"take in" 的六种常见用法:1. 理解,领会Example 1: It took her a while to take in the complexity of the scientific theory. 翻译:她花了一些时间才能理解这个科

take any card.随便拿一张卡To choose for one's own use; avail oneself of the use of:选择:为了自己使用而挑选;让自己能够使用…We took a rented car.我们租还记得短语动词take to 后面是接动名词还是不定式吗?今天又多了一个关于take 的短语动词take in,它的用法丰富。一、意为“收留,收养,留宿,接收(入学)”,例如:We took in several refu

take in的用法和样例: 例句用作及物动词(vt.) Fish take in oxygen through their gills.鱼通过鳃摄取氧气。I hope you will take the advice in good p1. The club took in a new member last week. 俱乐部上星期又吸收了一名新会员。2. The dress needs to be taken in a bit. 这洋装需要稍微改小一点。take in 情景对话搬

下面将分别介绍这些用法。1. 吸收Take in可以表示吸收的意思,比如说,植物通过根部吸收水分和养分。另外,take in还可以表示吸入,比如说,当我们呼吸时,我们会把空气吸入肺部1、take in的用法:take in sth接受某事。2、take in的用法:take part in参加,参与。3、take in含义:收留,收容,收入,理解,领会。take in;例句:He persuaded Jo t

o(?""?o take (sth) in1. 吸入,吞入(体内)2. 改小,改瘦(衣服)3. 包含;包括4. 去看,观看(电影等)5. 注意到;看到6. 理解;领会;记住英英释义earn on some commercial or business transtake it that…的意思与用法take it that的意思是“假定……”“猜想……”“认为……”。如:I take it that we are to leave early.我想我们动身会很早


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