

important造句子简单 2023-11-29 19:02 783 墨鱼


╯0╰ 例如: I made a right decision to leave my job last year. (去年我离开工作是正确的决定。- You need to usethe right tool to fix the bike. (你需要使用正确的工具来7. Its all right. Dont cry. 不要紧,别哭了。8. She looked ready to cry. 她给人的印象将要哭了。9. Her voice cracked and she began to cry. 她失声哭了起来。A babys cry m

1、Theanswertothequestionisrightinfrontofyou. 2、这个问题的答案就在你面前。3、Youdidtherightthingbytellingthetruth. 4、你说实话是正确的事情。5、Turnrightatthenextintright的造句和例句:1. Lord was right about his own record .洛德对自己成绩的看法是正确的。2. Her clothes are always right up to the minute .她的衣着总是很入时。内

Neither造句简单1.Neither you nor I am right. 2.He doesn't like English,neither do I. 3.Neither he nor she is to blame. neither的用法1.neither用作形容词,表示“两者)都The remaining healthy and hungry man said to his companion, "All right, you wait here, and I'll look for water." He put the pistol in his companion'

telephone造句简单些telephone造句带翻译I have a telephone. My telephone number is 123456789 . I use a telephone I can see a telephone on the tableright造句复制1、You may well beright.(你很可能是对的。hao86好工具) 2、Don't scoff—she's absolutelyright.(别嘲笑她—她绝对正确。3、The chemistry just wa

kiss造句简单带翻译1.He gave her a brief, brotherly kiss. 他给了她短促、兄弟般的一吻。2.The first kiss is dynamite. 初吻是激动人心的。3.He tried to kiss her and fondle1、Shouts of "Right!right!"] 2、Right, I said,right! 3、Turnrightgetright,rightisright, speak byright. 4、anticipationright 5、imprescriptibleright


标签: restaurant造句子简单



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