
in addition造句,above all造句

depend on造句 2023-12-11 15:05 105 墨鱼
depend on造句

in addition造句,above all造句

03 in addition to the huge burden of medical expenses, the host and unemployment at home, the family economy is worse, the urgent need for outside assistance.造句in addition toenglish, she is also learning japanese. (除了英文,她也有在學日文。所以若選項(a) 後面加個to,就會變成正確答案囉:in addition toclas

⊙^⊙ 1. In addition to studying, she also works part-time at a restaurant. 2. He enjoys hiking and, in addition, he likes to go fishing on weekends. 3. The company pro1、moreover; besides;in addition; furthermore 2、Formal] furthermore; besides;in addition; moreover 3、steel who characteristics are determined by t

You need money and time; in addition,you need diligence. 答案:You need money and time; in addition,you need diligence.你需要钱和时间,此外还需要努力.本题要求利用短英文例句大全为您提供in addition英文例句大全,词语in addition造句,关于in addition的句子,in addition怎么造句,in addition英文例句大全有哪些,哪些句子是关于in addition,

1.You need money and time ; in addition , you need diligence .你需要钱和时间,此外还需要努力。2.You need money and time , in addition , you need diligenin addition to造句复制1、in addition tobasic salary, there's a list of extra benefits.(除了基本工资外,还有一系列额外福利。2、It may be possible for you to get


标签: above all造句



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