
less smarter than,less easier than

tom is less tall than me 2023-11-10 16:33 335 墨鱼
tom is less tall than me

less smarter than,less easier than

Got it?OurOlympicknowledgeisnotlessthanyou.Wejustwanttotellyouatruth:there may be anotherpersonsmarter than you. 妮妮:你现在知道了吧!我们的奥运知识并不少,我们只想less taller than用法lesstallerthan是一个英语比较级中的用法,表示“比……稍矮一些”。这个短语的结构是由“less”(比较级形式)和“taller than”(比较对象)组成的。举个

13. Less is more.少即是多保持重点,化繁为简。删掉无关讯息,清楚说明要点。让人5分钟之内就明白你想做什么。14. “No”is just the start of the conversation.“不”只是对话的(2)通常情况下,形容词或副词的比较级前不加the,但若对两者进行比较,句中又无than出现,则常用“the +比较级+ of+比较范围(只有两者)”的结构。e.g. He is the

the story is mostly top-notch, though with sergeant Buddy Ebsen's numerous humorous observations and overall casualness, the film is a lot lighter though not neceThey sort of think that it's a smart human. But it's really much, much more than that. It will be much smarter than the smartest human. It will be like, can a chimpanze

(°ο°) Tom ran faster than Mike.Mike ran more slowly than Tom.三、“not as/so + 原级+ as”结构可转化为“less + 原级(指少数双音节词和多音节词)than”结构。3)Jim is less smarterthan Tom.(不可填smarter,只可变级一次) 但是,lessthan在使用上不如not as/so +adj./adv.原级+as普遍。变体形式(1)as+adj.原级+n.词组+as e.g

Rose is smarter than Ruth Ruth is more outgoing than Rose Function:comparison Structure:adjective+er;more adjective That’s my presentation. Thanks6. C) Lesstime-consuming and focusing on creation. 7. B) Digitallife could be replace human civilization. 8. D) Itwill be smarter than human beings. 9. B) Saveone fift


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