

用refuse to do造句 2023-12-16 12:06 991 墨鱼
用refuse to do造句


⊙△⊙ 1、We can'tdecideeither. 2、Let othersdecide. 3、Youdecideto quit. 4、decideand act arbitrarily 5、Idecideto launch it. 6、You mustdecidefor yoursel1.用decide造句(越简单越好) decide KK: [] DJ: [] vt. 1. 决定;决意[+wh-][+to-v][+(that)] They decided that John must stay there. 他们决定约翰必须留在那里。She decided to live in

decide to do的造句和例句:1. We decided to do both .我们决定双管齐下。2. He decided to do all he could to produce a still higher vacuum and find out what happene用下列6个语法造句:1.havefundoingsth.2.findsbdoingsth.3.belost.4.heipsbtodosth.5.madesbtodosth.6.decidetodosth. 用decidetodosth./findsb.doingsth./ma

用decide造句简单一点1. I need to decide which dress to wear to the party tonight. 2. After much consideration, I have decided to take the job offer. 3. It's diff4. We need to decide on a date for the meeting as soon as possible. 我们需要尽快确定会议的日期。二级标题2:“decide”常见用法及造句示例1. Decide + infinitive ver

decideKK:[]DJ:[]vt.1.决定;决意[+wh-][+to-v][+(that)]They decided that John must stay there.他们决定约翰必须留在那里.She decided to live in London.她决定住在伦敦.2.使下试题来源:解析They've decided to buy the house in the country.结果一题目用decide造句答案They've decided to buy the house in the country.相关推荐1用decide造

10、I can'tdecideuntil I've heard both sides of the story.(双方的说法都听了以后我才能作决定。11、The judges could notdecidewhich category it belonged in.(法官们单词decide 例句大全,用单词decide造句:to be slow to act/decide 行动/ 决定迟了We'lldecideafter the discussion. 讨论后再行定夺。We'll have todecideway in advance


标签: decide的过去式和过去分词



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