
takestepstodosth造句,take a running start造句

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takestepstodosth造句,take a running start造句

造句:The animals is in danger now so we must take steps to protect them.意思是:动物正面临危险,所以我们必Teaching steps: 1、spend: spent- spent 花费钱或时间(1)sb spend time /money on sth. (2)sb spend time /money (in) doing sth.花费时间/金钱做某事2、c

2. Take steps/measurestodo sth.采取措施做某事3. Take measurestodo sth.我们必须采取有效措施来改进我们的工作。4. Take action /measures /steps todo sth.采取行动/措take steps to do something采取步骤以达到某目的take steps采取步骤,采取措施take steps ton.采取措施something to do with同有关make something do将就,凑合着用b

1、takestep 采取步骤;办手续例句Ifwedonottakestepimmediately,someonewillbeatustoit,whichmeansbiglossforus. 如果我们不立即采取行动,一旦让别人捷足先网络采取步骤以达到某目的;采取行动以达到某目的网络释义

take steps to do 着手落实例句:If you deliberately take steps to do the work you love instead of the work you don't enjoy, most of us would agree that you'll fee4、What's your favorite steps? 你最喜欢跳什么舞?5、I haven't seen you for ages. 我好久没见到你了。6、You really look sharp today. 你今天真漂亮。7、Everything has

1.(1)enablesbtodosth使某人能做某事(2)entitlesbtosth/todosth给与某人获得某事物或做某事的权利beentitledtosth(对于某事)有…资格,有…权利(3)encouragesbtodosth。激励鼓励某人take the trouble to do───费心去做双语使用场景To achieve it isn't always easy, but you can certainly take steps to do so: sometimes it's appreciating what's


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