

airplane造句简单小学生 2023-12-18 12:53 633 墨鱼


1.所有飞机飞行前都必须加油。All aircraft must fuel before flight. 2.大多数飞机上不许使用手机。The use of cellular phones is not permitted on most aircraft. 3.新飞留言练习造句会修正喔* aboard [əˋbord] (adv)(prep) 上船(或飞机,车) on board; on, in, or into a ship, train, air

超级飞侠飞机英文翻译Superflyingaircraft 六、超级飞侠造句?用超级飞侠造句很简单啊,遇到困难就找超级飞侠来帮忙,一切问题都能解决。不错吧,我连台词都用上英文短句/例句1.An airplane or a hydroplane.飞机飞机或水上飞机2.flying bomb (missiles resembling aircraft)飞弹(飞机的导弹) 3.The plane 8 : 30 takes off.飞机8:30

飞机造句英语1.The airplane soared through the sky, leaving behind a trail of white clouds. 2.We boarded the airplane and settled into our seats for the long flig3.go out in an aircraft; carry out in an aircraft乘飞机外出;用飞机把…运走The commander flew out to join his troops at the front.指挥官乘飞机到前线部队去。The in jured

这架飞机是适于飞行的。The airplane is airworthy. 一架飞机在机场着陆。An airplane alighted on the airdrome. 这架飞机遭到炸弹的袭击。The airplane w飞机得副翼是用铰链装在机翼上得。I could see the flaps of theairplanefrom my seat. 我能从座位上看到飞机的襟翼。英文例句大全为您提供airplane英文例句大全,airplane

ˋ^ˊ〉-# Q3:飞机减速下降翻译成英文用let down造句let down 使失望;放下;辜负;减速下降The plane let down. The plane let down 应该是已经减速下降了但是let的过airfield什么意思、怎么读?单词用法、记忆法、发音音标、反义词同义词辨析、例句造句、释义:n. 飞机场的英文英语单词,用英语怎么说。


标签: 乘出租车英语造句



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