
either of和both of,either

both…and 2023-12-30 15:39 288 墨鱼

either of和both of,either

◆ NEITHER OF…和EITHER OF…构成的短语作主语时,谓语动词通常用单数形式,但口语中也可用复数形式。◆ We can use EITHER and NEITHER to agre…both of 和either of的区别我知道两个词组有这样的区别:both of后的谓语动词用复数,表示“两者都”;either of后用单数,也是表示“两者都”.但是为什么,I will

1. both of/ neither of/ either of后面总是要加the/these/sb's等:Both of these libraries are very good. 两所图书馆都非常好。Neither of the restaurants we went to was expeither of和both of 有什么不一样吗?分别用在哪些地方?网校学员安静经**在学习英语零基础直达大学六级【开学季特惠】时提出了此问题,已有1人帮助了TA。网校助教清醒季smile 同学你好,该知识

考点2辨析none of, all of, both of, neither of与either of ◎用法短语意义用法例句none of (三者或三者以上)都不……作主语时,若of后接不可数名词,谓语动词用单数;若either of 是指“两者有其一”Either of us speaks English. (注意“speaks“neither of是指“两者都不”用于否定句Neither of us English. (注意

可用作代词,Either of 意为“两者中)任意一个”。比如:Either of the books will do. 两本书中哪一本都行。He has two sons, and either of them is clever. 他有两个儿子neither of是指“两者都不”用于否定句Neither of us English. (注意“speaks“both of是指两者都用于肯定句Both the boys are clever. 两个男孩都很聪明。Eith


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