
business world,Business to business

in the business world 2023-12-03 09:47 721 墨鱼
in the business world

business world,Business to business

Business,由歌手World演唱,酷我音乐网提供Business无损音乐,Business免费无损下载,Business高品质音乐,HiFi音乐下载,无损音乐在线听,好音质,用酷我。陪着我,不on business adv.因公相似单词world n.[C] 1. 世界,地球,天下2.(亦作World)世界(指地球上的一个区域) 3.【喻】世界,界,领域4. 世界(指历史上的一个时期) 5. 人类;世人;

By the time he turned the reins of the company over to Cook, Jobs had become one of the business world's greatest comeback kids. 由时间,他把缰绳的公司在做工作,已business world的用法和样例:例句He wanted to become a big wheel in business. 他想成为企业界的大人物。But trust is the lack of China to the busine

BusinessWorld™ - A Global Trade Center and exclusiveSocial Networkfor Business Professionals.- Share and promote your business or profession.- Showcase and eStagflation is a very unpopular buzz word in thebusiness world. 滞胀是商界不受欢迎的时髦词语. 互联网4、In thebusiness world, entropy rules. 在商业世界中,无

business world发音意思翻译商业世界,企业界相似词语短语business───n.商业,交易;生意;事务,业务;职业,行业;business to business───公司对公司之间的电子商务6 Business 播放添加到歌单Momot 02:11 7 Christmas Corporate 播放添加到歌单Momot 02:23 8 Digital Corporate 播放添加到歌单Momot 02:02 9 Eco 播放添加到歌单Momot 02:31 10


标签: Business to business



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