
provide against,provide for和with

provide 2023-11-13 23:22 912 墨鱼

provide against,provide for和with

>ω< provide的固定搭配有:provide against…(为…做好准备;预防),provide for(赡养;供养;为…做准备),provide sb with sth(为某人提供某物),provide sth for sb(为某人provide against 读音汉语翻译预防,规定禁止例句:The government has toprovide againsta possible oil shortage in the coming months. 政府须为未来几个月中可能出现

be against 违反,无视,不顾Please provide one in the preferences and try again 请在参数选择处提供一个用户名,然后重试against the grain 反方向;违背意愿,使反感,使不快相似provide against发音意思翻译为…做好准备,预防;毖规定禁止;预防相似词语短语provide training───提供培训brief against───反对going against───不利于;

2.provide sb with sth 意思和第一个相同,宾语换了一下The project is designed to provide young people with work. 3.provide against准备以防(不测)发生Health insurancprovide against 英[prə'vaɪd ə'ɡenst]美[prə'vaɪd ə'ɡenst] v.为作准备;预防provide against的用法和样例:例句用作动词(v.) It is necess

provide against基本解释为…做好准备,预防;毖网络释义规定禁止provide against的用法和例句提示:点击例句中的单词,就可以看到词义解释We can take steps toprovideagai美英v.预防网络准备第三人称单数:provides against现在分词:providing against过去式:provided against 英汉英英网络释义v. 1. 预防un. 1. 发射


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