
用think of造句简单,try his best造句子

notuntil造句简单带翻译 2023-12-24 10:21 696 墨鱼

用think of造句简单,try his best造句子

gift造句简单1. She has a great gift for music. 她极有音乐天赋。2. The watch was a gift from my mother. 这块表是母亲给我的礼物。3. We all pitched in $10 to buy air造句简单1、There's a chill in theairthis morning.今天早晨寒气袭人。2、It also has navalairforce, marine corps, naval base and so on.还有海军航空兵、海军陆战

●▽● think of造句简单think of He is thinking of living here permanently . 他打算在这儿长久住下去。The thought of resigning never occurred to me . 我从来没想过要辞职。thinkof造句简单而短1. I always think of my grandmother when I smell freshly baked cookies. 2. Whenever I see a sunset, I think of the beautiful beaches in Hawaii

≡(▔﹏▔)≡ think of简单造句1、Think of a replicate as a faucet that controls the flow of data from the query. 将一个复制看作一个可以控制查询数据流的水龙头。2、What do you 7.I think we've exhausted that particulartopic.我认为我们已把那个题目讨论透彻了。8.Teaching methodologies vary according to thetopic题目不同,教学法也不一样。9.H

3. Some people think of success as achieving wealth and status, while others see it as finding happiness and fulfillment in life. 有些人把成功看作是获得财富和地位think of造句1. I can't help but think of my childhood memories when I hear the sound of rain. 2. Whenever I look at the stars in the sky, I can't help but think

fine造句简单1、She has the makings of a fine teacher 她具备做一个优秀教师的素质2、Joyce I have decided for my father. I will buy two of the fine Chardonnay wines17、I think I know where I can obtain that rare book for you. 我想我知道哪儿可以为你买到那本珍本书。18、a rare inherited disorder of fat metabolism 一种罕见的脂


标签: try his best造句子



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