
as mentioned earlier,in contrast

for fear that 2023-12-23 14:06 211 墨鱼
for fear that

as mentioned earlier,in contrast

As I mentioned earlier, there have been a lot of changes recently. 正如我刚才所说的,最近变化很大。【例句】Shementioned in passing(=mentioned in a quick unimport5. As I mentioned earlier about…如我先前所提及关于…6. As indicated in my previous e-mail…如我在先前的信中所提出…7. As we discussed on the phone…如我们上次在电

多谢提醒As mentioned earlier,our Customer is Pakistani 如前所言,我们的客户是巴基斯坦人.and due t1. As mentionedearlier, the University supplements this information with an interview. 如前所述,大学将通过面试对这一信息进行补充。来自柯林斯例句2. The first snow came a monthearlie

∩^∩ as mentioned earlier 英美adv.如前述分享单词到:2. 提及前面的提及(mentioned earlier)了属于标准操作符(standard operator)一员但不是扩展自基于IEnumerable 接口(IEnu…cppblog|基于2个网页释义:全部,前面

as mentioned earlier,our main task is to grow vegetables.正如前面提到的,我们的主要任务是种植蔬菜。as mentioned earlier 正如前面提到的5. As I mentioned earlier about 在先前我所提到的关于…6. As indicated in my previous e-mail 如我在之前邮件中所提到的…7. As we discussed on the phone 如我们


标签: in contrast



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