
usual time,用as usual造句

As usual 2023-12-10 19:31 999 墨鱼
As usual

usual time,用as usual造句

His usual routine is to go for a run in the morning.(他通常的日常习惯是早上去跑步。Usual还可以表示某个人的习惯或惯例。例如:She arrived at the usual time.(她按usual和usually都是形容词和副词,它们的区别在于usual表示“通常的、惯常的、一般的”,通常用于修饰名词;而usually表示“通常地、经常地、常常地”,通常用于修饰动词、形容词

1.usual adj. 通常的、寻常的用于指在大部分情况下会发生的事Let’s make a sandwich in the usual way. 我们以通常的方式来做三明治吧。平时怎么做的就怎么做) Lily wenWe will meet at the usual time. 我们将在老时间会面。She overslept the usual hour of rising. 她睡过了平时起床的时刻。The plane deviated from its usual route. 飞

+▽+ His speech followed the usual pattern. 他按照通常的方式讲话.We will meet at the usual time.我们将在老时间会面。chinabaike|基于35个网页2. 我们将1. 平常时间帮我翻译几个英语短语_百度知道the awareness of environment 环境意识usual time平常时间usual place 平常地点zhidao.baidu|基于7个网页2. 同一

˙﹏˙ 1、after the expected orusual time; delayed. 2、Theusual timefor eating a meal. 3、Twelve o'clock is theusual timeto have lunch. 4、Occurring, deveA:Okay. What time are you getting up tomorrow? 好的。明天你几点起床?B:Oh, the usual time. No, wait a minute.Make sure Im up before you go to work, will you? Ive


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