
advance sb in,check in

to advance 2024-01-06 14:09 215 墨鱼
to advance

advance sb in,check in

30. in advance (before in time) 预告,事先. 31. to advantage 有利的,使优点更加突出地. 32. have an advantage over 胜过. have the advantage of 由于…处于有利条件have the1.advance towards 朝…前进2.in advance(of) 在…前;预先3.advance in 在…进步,进展真题回顾I would like to warn you in advance that if you smoked h

advance的用法9:advance不用于比较等级。advance的用法例句:1. It is a good idea to place your order well in advance. 早早就提前下单是个好主意。2. Cliadvance in发音意思翻译进步;改进相似词语短语advance───adj.预先的;先行的;vi.前进;进展;上涨;vt.提出;预付;使……前进;将……提前;n.发展;前进;增长;预付款cash

IDM in advance (of sth) (时间上)在…前;预先;事先before the time that is expected; before sth happens (发展上)超前more developed than sb/sth else v. adj.in advance提前、预先;

advance in 可能指在方面的进步、发展。没有上下文,你自己判断吧

advance an idea提出一个主意advance an opinion on the matter就此事发表意见advance human culture促进人类的文化发展advance money to sb预先付钱〔贷款〕给某人advanadvance in 英美n.进步;发展;增进advance in的用法和样例:例句用作名词(n.) He fared better in the second test. 他第二次考试颇有进步。Not to go back is somewhat

40.give sb an account of 说明,解释(理由) 41.account for 解释,说明. 42.on account of 近义词:because of 由于,因为. 43.on no account 近义词:in no casin advance 1.(事件上)在前;预先;事先2.(发展上)超前in advance of 在…之前,先于…比…先进,超过advance in n.进步,发展,增进on the advance (物价)在上涨with the advance of 随着


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