
catch up,Catching up with

catch with 2023-12-18 10:49 495 墨鱼
catch with

catch up,Catching up with

catch-up 美['kætʃəp] 英['kætʃəp] na.(生产等停滞后的)加紧弥补网络蕃茄酱;番茄酱;赶上英汉网络释义na. 1. (生产等停滞后的)加紧弥补catch up基本解释追上;吹起;打断;把…缠住网络释义1. 抓住2. 随便问问3. 急起直追4. 吸住catch up的用法和例句提示:点击例句中的单词,就可以看到词义解释Someday chi

●△● 英英网络释义catch-up 显示所有例句n. 1. [u] (向别人水平的)追赶the act of trying to reach the same level or standard as sb who is ahead of you 2. [c][sing] 谈论catch up 网络解释1. 赶上:但是再怎麼样其实同样的模型还有很多地方可以发展.虽然好东西(benevolent elite)有可能赶上(catch up)这新兴的数位星球.即便如此,2. 追上:短期波

to catch up───赶上catch───vi.赶上;抓住;vt.赶上;抓住;感染;了解;n.捕捉;捕获物;窗钩双语使用场景After our bad start to the season we were always playing catYou walk on and I'll catch up with you later. 你往前走吧,我一会儿就赶上你了. 来自《简明英汉词典》6. I have to catch up on my work so I can't come out. 我得抓紧做


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