
on the tip of,on the tip of my tongue 的用法

at any time 2023-11-09 20:12 400 墨鱼
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on the tip of,on the tip of my tongue 的用法

网络话到舌尖;呼之欲出;就在嘴边网络释义1. 话到舌尖最新俚语293条(3) on the same page 进度相同on the tip of my tongue话到舌尖,呼之欲出once in a blue moon 稀“onthetipofmytongue”可不是“在我的⾆头尖上”!on the tip of my tongue 学英语是个循序渐进的过程,每天掌握好⼀个英语⼝语表达,利⽤闲暇时间⽇积⽉累学英语。今天的英

on the tip of发音意思翻译已到了……在……的尖端相似词语短语tip on sth───给某事小费tip───v.(使)倾斜,翻倒;倒出,倾倒;轻触;丢垃圾;给小费;预测成功;覆盖On the tip of my tongue 话到舌尖;呼之欲出;就在嘴边例句筛选1.His name is on the tip of my tongue 他的名字就在我嘴边2.The answer is right on the tip

on the tip of one's tongue就在嘴边,差点说出来on the tip of my tongueprep.差一点说出,几乎想起at the tip of one's tongue就在嘴边,差点说出来have sth on穿着,戴着,tip 4 (tĭp) n. 1. A small sum of money given to someone for performing a service; a gratuity. 2. a. A piece of confidential, advance, or inside information: got

╯▂╰ of the light sources from 30 to 45 degrees affected only the tip width and the interalar width; otherwise the rest of the nasal measurements did not show any signon the tip of one’s tongue:比喻话在嘴边,差一点儿就说出口,或者快说出口却一时想不起来。这本书的名字很熟悉,但我一时想不起来:The name of the book was

on the tip of one's tongue 就在嘴边【讲解】tip的意思是“顶端”,从字面看,该习语的意思是“就在舌头尖儿上”,实际是“差一点就想起,就在嘴边。”【对话】on the tip of one's tongue ● (1) on the tip of one's tongue “话到嘴边,想说而未说的”英语解释为if a remark or question is on the tip of your tongu


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