
person 的近义词,突然的近义词

明朗的近义词 2023-11-16 18:24 883 墨鱼

person 的近义词,突然的近义词

person的近义词A:They say Mr. Chen is an honest, hardworking and responsible man who deeply cares for his family and friends./They say Mr. Chen is a friendly, sen近义词&反义词personenwagen作为名词的时候其近义词以及反义词有Kfz、Cabriolimousine、Coupé、Kleinfahrzeug、Altfahrzeug、Cabriolet、Limousine、Neubaufahrzeug、Kombinatio

+▽+ person-to-person近义词更多person-to-person例句“I found him to to be an interesting person,”Krauss said of the first impression. A Wall Street person should nperson 美['pɜːrsn] 英['pɜːsn] n.人;本人;身体近义词:individual,soul,being,creature,figure,somebody,someone,human,mortal,humanbeing,one,appearance,persona,personality,character,eg

Read the history makes person wise, reading the poem makes person delicately beautiful, mathematics makes person careful and attentive.读史使人明智,读诗使人灵秀,person同义词:individual 、somebody 、someone person派生词:personhood

(to attempt to deceive someone by pretending that you are another person) -he was fined for impersonating a police officer. 【近义词】pretend to be 1、person:泛指man,woman或child中的任何一个;2、individual:可作名词,表示“个人”。通常跟“集体”、“国家”相对应;3、one:不定代词,泛指“一个人”,


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