

丢失东西的情况说明怎么写 2023-12-29 23:05 396 墨鱼


丢失书包遗失启事英语作文篇1 I was careless and lost my schoolbag on the sportsground on the afternoon of the 2nd of this month, Thursday when I was watching foot篇一:失物招领英语作文hen I came toschool this morning, I found an Oxford Dictionary, which is the sixth printingon the ground of school gate.I was

≥△≤ 篇1:失物招领英语作文hen I came toschool this morning, I found an Oxford Dictionary, which is the sixth printingon the ground of school gate. I was 以下是关于丢了东西的专升本英语范文,每篇作文均为万能范文带翻译。高分英语作文1:Lost something To: International Youth Travel Agency Service Unit: Beijing Foreign Language

写丢失东西的英语作文篇一:Every coin has two sides .Somethimes an unpleasant event happens in our life ,but in may lead to a happy ending. American 英语写关于丢失的作文篇一:A Lost Bag 丢失的皮包No sooner had the bell rung than a middle-aged man, accompanied by our teacher, walked into the classroom. All of us loo


正文:Duringourlifetime,wemayloselargenumbersofobjects,maybemoney,luggageorsomethingelse,andwenormallywon'tkis LiPing. I'm from Class 5 , Grade 7. Please call me at 027-655-5689。译文:丢失东西。丢失了蓝色的书包,内

˙△˙ 今天下午我在图书馆把笔记本丢了。I wrote my name on the first paper.它的封面是蓝白相间的。There are about two高分英语作文1:Lost items A、If you want to check the valuables, if it doesn't happen, the trusteeship and the consequences of losing it for the sec


标签: 遗失公告怎么写



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