

bonus造句简单 2023-11-28 11:52 401 墨鱼


involvement的造句和例句:1. There is no past history of renal involvement .没有肾脏病的既往史。2. They have handson involvement and specific responsibilities .他She shied from new involvement in the deal. 她不想再卷入那笔交易。To reach out for another is to risk involvement. 要与他人接触,就得冒着被牵连的危险。He spoke h

1、A briefinvolvement. 2、democraticinvolvement, participation, etc 3、promote parentalinvolvement. 4、Designerinvolvementin usability studies 5、shYou have no proof of myinvolvementin anything 你没有证据证明我参与了任何活动。柯林斯高阶英语词典She disliked hisinvolvementwith the group and disliked his fr

1.标题要达到呼唤你,愉悦你的效果,能引起别人看的兴趣,通过标题能大致看出需要自己做什么。比如:5月以下是一些英语中常用的“involvement in”造句:1. He has a strong involvement in community activities, volunteering his time to support those in need. 他在社区活动

╯ω╰ My involvement in this project can be ignored. 我对本次项目的参与可以忽略不计。The organization of the company was democratized to encourage the involvement of aMy involvement has not been altogether, shall we say, ethical. 可以说,我的参与还不是完全合乎道德。The statement by the military denied any involvement in last ni

involvement卷入,参与来自involve,卷入,参与。英文词源involvement (n.) 1706, frominvolve+-ment. 双语例句1. There is absolutely no suggestion of any mainstream poinvolvement 常考释义n. 牵连变形词复数involvements 雅思常考例句By minimizing humaninvolvement, the idea was to minimize the risk of flawed result


标签: consistency造句



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