

让她生气的是英语 2023-12-06 10:45 973 墨鱼


>▂< 我对他很生气,因为他让我等了好久。I was angry with him for keeping me waiting. 他生气时就大叫,这是常有的情形。He shouts when he gets angry, as is often the case例如:To cut a long story short, I decide to stay.(简而言之,我决定留下。long story short~事实上,我们在学习英语的时候并不认真,我们为什么听不懂老外说

+▽+ Are you trying to drive me up the wall stop asking that stupid question. 你想把我逼疯吗?别再问那个愚蠢的问题了。2 drive sb around the bend / send sb round the bend 使我很生气怎么说I am somad ! I am sopissed off ! I am so angry ! SO 可以换成VERY 等词前两句为口亮祥州语宴困里很常用。敬蔽骂人的英语“我很生气”用英文表达是I am very

我说:“我正在找我的转笔机。”她说:“找不到就先使我的吧!”她拿出转笔机的刹那间,我愣住了。她的转笔机和我的转笔机竟一模一样。可是我买的时候是最后一个呀!我想:“贼,肯Sheldon不告而别地走掉,打电话向Leonard求助也不来找Amy,Amy对此很生气,她就说了这句:I'm mad at you! 我在生你的气!心疼Amy) indignant [ɪn'dɪɡnənt] 意思是:愤愤不平的;义愤的

cranky 则是形容人暴躁、易生气。如:“Why are you so cranky today? Something happened?”你今天怎么这么容易生气?发生什么事了吗?11. Shoot! 说吧! 有屁快放!A: I’ve go26. 他说他对汤姆很生气. He said he ___ ___ ___ Tom. 27. 我告诉她我将在第二天去公园. I told her I ___ go to the park ___ ___ ___. 28. 他说他擅长口语

用法详解:表示对某人感到愤怒、生气例子:I am mad at you.(我对你感到很生气。用法详解:表示对某事感到愤怒、生气例子:She is mad at his behavior.(她I will be very angry till we fight, after that we don't bother each other.


标签: 她也从来没有发过脾气英语翻译



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