

小学wrote造句 2023-02-14 09:22 171 墨鱼


≥△≤ write的正确读法是:rait. write造句例一:I want to write a letter to my sister. 用write造句例二:Tom had written Mary a note three days ago. 标签:write 造句怎么i write a diary every day 我每天写一篇日记谢谢,望采纳

用左手写字的'人比用右手的人少。篇2:write的用法和短语例句1. Today was really a bit of a write-off for me. 今天对我来说真的有点儿白白浪费了。2. I'm going to write him i:)1、一般现在时:I write with my right hand .我用右手写字. 2、一般过去式:The student wrote letters to her mum two year

?▽? Those people don't need to be able to write beautifully by hand.人们不用书写漂亮。They write to give their provisional acceptance of the contract.他们写信临时接Some children can read and write before they go to school. 有些孩子在上学前就会看书写字了。She had to write a report on the project. 她必须就这个项

write英语造句,1、For example, data binding is most commonly used to read and write data to some storage medium.比如,数write: v.写;编写;写信;写作;写字;作曲第三人称单数:writes. 现在分词:writing. 过去式:wrote. 过去分词:written. write 的例句:Shes writing a new history of Europe


标签: writer造句



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