

小学生英语作文100字 2023-11-11 23:37 576 墨鱼


小学生英语作文精选(28篇),短小精悍,满分必背!小学生英语作文大全(50篇),短小精悍,满分必背!小学英语作文篇10 Mr. Brown comes from America. He is tall. He has big eyes, a big nose , a round face and blond hair. His favorite colors are white

?0? My New English Teacher(我的新英语老师) Miss Tang is my new Englishteacher. She’s very pretty. She is tall and thin. She has two big eyes and asmall小学生英语作文篇1 The spring festival is the tradition festival in China.It is the same as the christmas day in the west country,it is welcome the new year. It is the

小学生英语作文大全1. Lastwinter vacation, I went to Beijing with my parents. Beijing is in the north of China. We went there by train. In Beijing I visited the T关注小学生英语作文大全(50篇)短小精悍满分必备小学生英语作文大全(50篇),短小精悍,满分必背!#学习#知识点总结#英语作文#英语#作文#小学2022-01-25 共1 条评论登录查看更多评论

小学生英语作文大全(50篇),短小精悍,满分必背!小学生英语作文大全(50篇),短小精悍,满分必背!我有一个好姐姐。她有短头发,小眼睛,大耳朵,一个大鼻子。她很安静和可爱。她说中国好。她喜欢音乐和绘画。你能猜出她叫什么名字吗?小学英语作文篇10 I am seven years old now, t


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