
prefer a than b,prefer to do sth

Prefer to do something 2023-11-08 12:25 670 墨鱼
Prefer to do something

prefer a than b,prefer to do sth

小1.prefersth喜某物2.preferdoingsth喜做某事3.prefersbtodosth喜做某事4.preferAtoB与B比起来更喜做A 5.preferdoingAtodoingB 与做B比起来喜欢A 6.prefertodoAratherthaprefer A rather than B 与其做B,不如做A 同样表示比较对象,但用rather than 代替了to,表示与其做某事,不如做某事。例句Most kids prefer to enjoy free

prefer a than b 的结构,所以选to. 2. stay 我不想出去。我宁愿呆在家里。解析:would rather 后面接不带to 不定式,所以选stay. 3. lying 我喜欢在山上徒步用法1:prefer A to B. 意思是“与B相比,更喜欢A”。例句1:I prefer apple to banana.和香蕉相比,我更喜欢苹果。注意,这里的A 和B 是可以为动名词。例句2:I prefer watching

小1.prefersth喜某物2.preferdoingsth喜做某事3.prefersbtodosth喜做某事4.preferAtoB与B比起来更喜做A 5.preferdoingAtodoingB 与做B比起来喜欢A 6.prefertodoAratherthaperfer doing A to doing B 相比于做B更喜欢做A 要同would rather区别would rather do A than do B 相比于···(

(4) prefer to do sth rather than do sth ……宁愿…而不愿prefer A rather than B 更喜欢A,而不是B 例句:I prefer to stay at home rather than go out. 我宁愿呆在家里老外最常用的英文短语prefer A rather than B 释义:prefer A rather than B 与其做B,不如做A 同样表示比较对象,但用rather than 代替了to,表示与其做某事,不如做某事。

4、prefer的用法如下:prefer+名词可以是某人或者某物,更喜欢某人或某物。prefer A to B相比较B来说更喜欢A,A、B是某人或某物。prefer doing sth更喜欢做某事,通常,形容词有比较级和最高级,但用prefer A to B 是强调A与B的两个对照,只有被prefer和不被prefer的两个等级,中间没有其它程度可比较,更没有“最”的状态,所以不用prefer A t


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