

enlarge造句 2023-11-17 20:08 277 墨鱼


The dealer was slavering over some precious stones. 那商人对一些宝石垂涎欲滴。My time is precious; I can only give you a few minutes. 我的时间很宝贵,我只能见你几precious造句如下:1、A good name is better than precious ointment; and the day of death than the day of one'

Beijing precious stone Arts Technolo.北京宝贵石艺科技有限公司,When a thing is scarce, it is precious.物以稀为贵。Meat is almost more precious than money!肉贵得mark precious的造句和例句:1. "' Mark Precious "'( born 29 August 1956 ) is a former field hockey player, who won the bronze medal with the British team at the 19

precious造句复制1、With geological maps, books, and atlases you can find out all the proven sites ofpreciousminerals.(有了地质地图、书籍和地图册,你就可以找到所1. He is a precious miser. 他是个十足的吝啬鬼。2. precious的解释2. His children are very precious to him. 他极疼爱自己的孩子。3. He has sent me most precious g

造句:One thousand precious words. 一千个珍贵的词。Marble is a precious stone. 大理石是一种珍贵的石料We should seize the precious chance. 我们应该抓住这个宝贵的29、I'm not really an expert onpreciousstones.

例如:Precious few people can afford prices like that.没有什么人出得起那个价钱。She has precious little to be cheerful about .她几乎毫无乐趣。precious的用法5:prec1、You'reprecious. 2、You are myprecious,preciouschild. 3、No, you can't,precious! 4、candlestick ofpreciousmetal 5、intaglio ofpreciousmetal 6、can


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