
相关部门 英文,责任部门英文

机构的英文哪个最准确 2023-11-27 12:59 799 墨鱼

相关部门 英文,责任部门英文

正文公司部门相关英语导语:公司是指一般依法设立的,有独立的.法人财产,以营利为目的的企业法人。下面是收集整理的公司部门相关英语,希望对你有帮助!公司部门总2) each relevant department 各相关部门例句>> 3) examine and approved by relevant department 相关部门审批4) operating room 手术相关部门1. Hospital emergency m

Related department: 相关部门75. lifted solder 浮焊76. docin|基于11个网页2. 有关部门related中文related data== 相关数据,相关资料related departmentRelated department 相关内容aYou also a good boy 也您一个好男孩[translate] aI am much happy to know your idea. You are absolutely correct. Close friends will neve

第一篇:各部门英文名称大全行政人事部总监Director of Administrative human resources department董事总经理Managing Director 经济师Economist 总经理Gene相关部门释义relevant departments [法]归口部门; 双语例句全部1. The success of the project relies on the cooperation of all involved parties. 这个项目的成功依

相关部门中文翻译英语relevant departments 复制拼音对照:xiāng guān bù mén 短语例句相关部门相关的双语例句能够更好地帮助您记忆和学习英语单awe can see many butterfiies flying in the garden in spring . how beautiful. 我们在春天能看许多butterfiies飞行在庭院里。多么美丽。translate] a相关部门Related d


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