
how to make cake作文,how to bake a cake

make a cake 2023-02-14 03:51 607 墨鱼
make a cake

how to make cake作文,how to bake a cake

∩﹏∩ How to make a chocolate cake?First,we should buy some chocolates and egges.Next,we'll mix the eggs i1.英语作文how to make cake How to make a chocolate cake?First,we should buy some chocolates and egges.Next,we'll mix the eggs in a bowl. Then we put

+ω+ How to make a chocolate cake?First,we should buy some chocolates and egges.Next,we'll mix thehow to make a chocolate cake?first,we should buy some chocolates and egges.next,we'll mix the eggs in a bowl.then we put the eggs in the microwave.a few minutes l

How to make a chocolate cake?First,we should buy some chocolates and egges.Next,we'll mix the eggs in a bowl.Then we put the eggs in the microwave.A few关于”炒鸡蛋的步骤“的英语作文范文4篇,作文题目:Steps of scrambled eggs。以下是关于炒鸡蛋的步骤的九年级英语范文,每篇作文均为高分范文带翻译。

高分英语作文1:How to make cakes I am very happy to share with you how to make Cake Ingredients: five eggs, cake powder g, castor sugar g, milk ml, b高分英语作文1:How to make a cake Now Chinese people have five working days a week, which means they have free time on weekends. What should we do with so much leisure ti


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