

把它们全部吃光用英语怎么说 2023-11-19 20:32 861 墨鱼


ゃōゃ 自助餐英文叫buffet,我们来看看词典里的定义:A meal at which people serve themselves from a table and then stand or sit somewhere else to eat.中文意思是:人们自己从专用把它们都吃完”的英文:Please eat them up.eat up eat up [i:t ʌp]吃光;耗尽;例句:1..Please eat them up.请把它们都吃完吧。2.I think you like to eat ap

●▽● Eat them all例句1、Don';t eat them all at once; save some for later.不要一下子全吃光留下一些以后再吃。2、“I take the trouble of cooking them just for you, so eat t我吃完了。I'm done. 当我们吃饭的时候,如果用这句话,就表示我吃完了。用这个表达来翻译一句话:我吃完了,你可以拿走了。小意的翻译:I'm done.You can tak

桔子、苹果。桔子都成熟了,我们有甜甜的桔子吃。剥好的桔子皮,可不能乱丢,要扔到垃圾筒里。出示菊花、桔子的图片。引导幼儿发现出示的图片是用桔皮贴成的。今天,我们要用桔子皮来贴我已经把它吃完了英文怎么说? 答案I have eaten it up already. --- 如有疑问欢迎追问!认可我的回答就记得采纳哟么么哒o(∩_∩)o 相关推荐1 我已经把它吃完了英文怎么

把它们都吃完英文:Eat them all。或者:Eat them up。Eat them off,please! 我吃了英文怎么说1个回答2023-08-25 09:21 我吃了I eat 我吃了I eat 你吃的什Eat them all 例句1、Don't eat them all at once; save some for later.不要一下子全吃光留下一些以后再吃。2、“I take the trouble of cooking them just for

eat them all。希望能帮到你。把它们全部吃完用英语怎么说文章内容英文翻译Finish them all 重点词汇全部───whole;吃───eat 双语使用场景Thewholecommunity turned out to wipe out the four p


标签: 吃完的英文



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