
They are造句四年级,用your造一个句子

is it造句 2023-11-19 12:44 470 墨鱼
is it造句

They are造句四年级,用your造一个句子

1、They swear they are happy. 2、They say they are happy. 3、No, they are not. They are clocks. 4、They are not dependent - they are manipulative. 5好工具造句栏目为您提供2023年的they的造句相关内容,本栏目原创编辑和精选收集了29条they的造句一二年级例句供您参考,同时也为您推荐了they的解释、近反义词和组词。1、they

They are going to move to a new house next week.下星期他们将迁入新居。They are hoping for a small diminution in taxes.他们希望税捐略微减少。They are the most dethey are造句61、Only when they lose their intimate friends do they know how preciousthey are, how preciousthey areand how impossiblethey areto meet

英语造句用They are造句扫码下载作业帮搜索答疑一搜即得答案解析查看更多优质解析解答一举报they are friends他们是朋友解析看不懂?免费查看同类题视they are friends 他们是朋友

they are是两个单词,they是主语,are是谓语动词,只需要再加一个宾语或者表语就可以构成一个句子。they are的用法例句:They are one of this year's hot new ban用they来造句造10个句子They are dogs,they are pencils,they are apples,they are oranges,they are apples,they are,cats,they are pens. They are watermelons,they are dogs,t

they are friends.他们是朋友they are classmates.他们是同学there are two books on the desk.桌子上有两本书。there are 3 members in my family.我家里有三口they are students (加职业、身份)they are beautiful (加形容词)they are playing(加动名词表示动作正在进行)they are to go to school (加不定时表示动作


标签: 用your造一个句子



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