

南京英文介绍简短3分钟 2023-11-19 11:03 467 墨鱼


有明孝陵、云锦博物馆、鸡鸣寺、梅花山……爸爸精心挑选五个景点作为我们本次旅游的目的地,分别是:南京大屠杀纪念馆、总统府、夫子庙、中山陵和玄武湖公园。第一站,我们来到了南南京的英语作文篇一there are lots of interesting places to go. you can see beautiful views in xuan wu lake park. you also can take a boat trip on xu

南京眼步行桥青奥轴线中轴,是长江上首座观光步行桥,跨越南京长江夹江,起点位于南京青奥文化体育公园内,终点在江心洲青年森林公园内。羽翼般斜拉的钢索振翅向上就像竖琴的琴弦,行人去南京旅游的英语作文如下:Welcome to my hometown! Nanjing is my hometown. It is a modern and busy town. It has a long history. There are many big superm

旅游经历的英语作文篇1 I heard Lijiang is a very beautiful city when I was young. I travel there in a holidy with my parents.I went there plane. I saw there wererestaurantsteacafes.allappeararchitecturalstyleQingstyle.snacksencompassingeightmostfamousflavourshere.Everyone'sindividualtasteswellcaterednecessar

写南京的英语作文1: Hello, I'm Michael. I think my hometown Nanjing is a great place to visit. It is the capital of Jiangsu Province. It has a long h介绍重庆的英语作文(精选63篇)在学习、工作或生活中,大家都经常接触到作文吧,作文是由文字组成,经过人的思想考虑,通过语言组织来表达一个主题意义的文体。那么

+▂+ 暑假南京旅游英语作文初一During my summer vacation, I went to Nanjing for sightseeing with my family. The trip was exciting and unforgettable. We visited many fam七、小学六年级演讲稿简单的小短文带中文?祖国在我心中_400字大家好,我是陆你五中队的XXX,今天我演讲的题目是祖国在我心中。回复过去历史的风吹开了,中国沉痛的一页


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