

欢迎你来中国留学英语翻译 2023-12-26 22:21 223 墨鱼


分析总结。我想邀请你去我家做客用英语怎么说结果一题目我想邀请你去我家做客用英语怎么说答案I would like to invite you to my home.相关推荐1我想邀请你去我家做客中国同事又对她说:“我真的欢迎你来家里坐坐。如果没空的话,随时打电话来聊聊也行。”一年下来,美国同事既没有来电话,也没有来访。奇怪的事,这位美国人常为没人邀请她而苦恼。读完

我要在泳池边再吃一次烧烤,然后喝几杯。18.Would you like to stay for coffee?你想留下来喝咖啡吗?19.I would like to invite your to our home on Sunday.我想邀请你星期天来我家。20.Why do英语作文邀请吃饭范文Dear friend, I’m very happy,because my birthday will come next Saturday, And my family have many food and think a lot of funny things and we

a我吃饭去了啊、I ate meal,[translate] a打字游戏Typing game[translate] aBy checking this box you agree to the Terms and Conditions, certify that you are 18 yearsIf not, I suggest we have lunch.───你时间紧吗,贝利斯先生?如果不紧,不如我们一起吃午饭吧。I have my lunch at half past.───我半点的时候吃午饭。an alfresco lu

我想邀请你参加英语翻译如下:I want to invite you to。双语例句1我想邀请你参加我的生日派对。I'd like to invit我想要请你来我家吃饭译文:I want to invite you to come to my home to have a dinner I 我want to 想要invite 邀请you 你to come to my home 来我家to

a不,我感觉很糟糕No, I feel very bad[translate] a你到这里很久了吗?You to here very long?[translate] a我想邀请她到我家吃饭I want to invite her to eat meal to my 中文我想邀请你来我家做客英语翻译I'd like to invite you to my house 重要词汇英语单词单词应用基本释义house 高考CET4 CET6 考研TOEFL n.[名词] 房


标签: 聚餐邀请短信



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