

用wanttodo造句子 2023-11-17 11:29 430 墨鱼


一、want sth.表示“想要某物”。大家注意关键词“某物”,也就是说想要want后面要接的是名词,它可以是可数名词也可以是不可数的名词例如:I want a red coat,please.我想要一件2、want既可用作及物动词,也可用作不及物动词。3、want可接由that引起的宾语从句,表示“请求,命令,建议”等,主要用于美式英语中。例句:I want to go;I want yo

want用法例句1、When life gets hard and you want to give up, remember that life is full of ups and downs, and without the downs, the ups would mean nothing. 当生活很艰难,你想要放弃的1.want sth.想要某物They want some help. 他们需要一些帮助。2.want sb.to do sth.想要某人去做某事My father wants me to help him on the farm.我父亲要我在农场上帮他

want用作动词的用法例句:I want large ones, not small ones.我要大的,不要小的。He wants me to go with him.他希望我同他一起去。What they talked about is what we w1,I want to eat some rice.解析:want就两种用法,一是want+名词;另一种是want to do something.根据答案作选择,显然,这里比较适合用want to do something . want后面如果跟

+▽+ want用作动词的用法例句:I want large ones, not small ones.我要大的,不要小的。He wants me to go with him.他希望我同他一起去。What they talked about is what we w(1)want 后加名词或代词如:I want a mobile phone.(我想要一部手机)I want them.(我想要它们)(2)want to do sth如:She wants to visit her grandparents.(她想


标签: 关于want的用法



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