
for a chat,family

chat 2023-11-14 14:20 651 墨鱼

for a chat,family

Looking for the perfect team chat app for your business? Explore the top 5 workplace chat apps to help you stay connected with your team in real time.For a chat 翻译结果4复制译文编辑译文朗读译文返回顶部I will talk about 翻译结果5复制译文编辑译文朗读译文返回顶部One can chat 相关内容aall that junk inside your

+﹏+ Britannica:Encyclopedia article aboutchat Last Updated: - Updated example sentences Love words? Need even more definitions? Subscribe to America11. We chat together sometimes. 有时我们在一起闲聊. 12. They dropped in for a chat last night. 他们昨晚顺便来闲聊了一会儿. 13. During a lunch break, he and the bu

meet up for a chatSometimes we go to the cinema or just meet up for a chat.enjoy a chatMost people enjoy a good chat.adjectivesa little chatWhy don’t you call her and have a little Dana: Nah, I have him on errand duty, buying the drinks for tomorrow. Jill:这话…从酒吧老板嘴里说出来…感觉怪怪的。Jill: That sounds weird, co

+^+ 网络坐下来谈谈网络释义1. 坐下来谈谈百度词典搜索_坐sit in a sofa; 坐在沙发上sit down for a chat坐下来谈谈travel by train; 坐火车旅行dict.baidu|基11. I just drop in and have a chat with you.我只是顺便过来和你聊聊天。还能这样说:I come here to talk casually.I just visit for a chat.应用解析:chat sb. up 和某人亲切地

“When I was a student, I was always looking for alumni. I’d send them emails and say, ‘I would like to have a chat, let’s have coffee’because I really wanted to work in China,5.They dropped in for a chat last night. 他们昨晚顺便来闲聊了一会儿。6.You shouldn’t listen to gossip. 你不应该听流言蜚语。表示笑的动词:smile:“微笑”。通常指好意的


标签: family



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