
be found guilty,fill

plants 2024-01-03 16:09 106 墨鱼

be found guilty,fill

【解析】be guilty of:有罪的,有过失的。be found guilty of murder:被判犯有谋杀罪。charge(动词)控告,指责。charge sb with murder指控某人犯有谋杀罪。crimiguilty behaviour 犯罪行为。have a guilty conscience 自疚,问心有愧。wear a guilty look 露出内疚的神色。be found guilty 被判决有罪。be guilty of 犯…罪(be guilt

be found guilty of

╯^╰〉 be found guilty的用法和样例:例句He was found guilty of molesting a young girl. 他被判猥亵少女罪。He was found guilty and sentenced to condemnati网络被判有罪网络释义1. 被判有罪四级听力的学习方法?百度知道crime 罪行found guilty被判有罪innocent 清白的zhidao.baidu|基于11个网页

be found guilty on

网络被判犯有玩忽职守罪网络释义1. 被判犯有玩忽职守罪牛津大学英语词典plead guilty to a crime 认罪*be found guilty of negligence被判犯有玩忽职守罪* ..1) be found guilty 被判决有罪例句>> 2) guilty verdict 有罪判决例句>> 3) pronounce sb. guilty; bring in a verdict of guilty 判决有罪例句>> 4) He was judged gui

be found guilty of的用法

befoundguilty挖被判决有罪found挖founded, founding, founds v. 建立,创立,创办,使有根据,铸造,熔制andfound" 动词:2. set up orfound; 相似"She set up a literBe found guilty of obstruction被判违例阻挡犯规They found a verdict of guilty.他们判定有罪。He was found guilty of obstruction他被判阻挡犯规。The jury found the


标签: fill



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