
show an interest in翻译,invention中文翻译

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show an interest in翻译,invention中文翻译

˙△˙ show interests in发音意思翻译对……有兴趣;对……表示关心;表现出兴趣相似词语短语interests───v.使…感兴趣(interest的第三人称单数形式);n.利益(interest的复in show 外表上,有名无实地be on show 展览相似单词show v.[T] 1.出示2.陈列;展出;展销3.显示;表现,露出4.演出;放映5.指出,指示6.带领7.阐述,说明;解释8.(图片

2.YoucanimproveyourEnglishpracticingmore.A.byB.withC.ofD.in 3.Whynotpracticeyour___Englishin___English-speakingcountry? A.speaking,aB.speaking,anC.sIf you describe a person as intense, you mean that they appear to concentrate very hard on everything that they do, and they feel and show their emotions in a ver

为了避免歧义,我们最好说have an interest in sth,或者take,show an interest in sth,也就是必须在interest 前面加上不定冠词an。当然,也不要忘记了be interested in sth。“对某事showaninterestin show an interest in 的意思是“对……表现出兴趣;显示出对……兴趣;对……感兴趣”。©2022 Baidu |由百度智能云提供计算服务| 使用百度前必读| 文库

be interested in意思是对…感兴趣;关心be interested in:英[bi: ˈɪntrɪstɪd in] 美[bi ˈɪntrɪstɪd ɪn]对…翻译+答案Unit 1 1.Given the chance to show his ability, he regained confidence(信心) and began to succeed in school. 有了展示自己能力的机会,他重拾信心,开始在学校取得成功2.It is so

1. 对……表现出兴趣综合英语(一)下册词汇与短语- 24小时学习网light up 照亮show an interest in对……表现出兴趣reach out (手、脚等) …24xuexi|基于10个show an interest in 英美对表现出兴趣show an interest in的英文翻译是什么意思,词典释义与在线翻译:参考翻译表现出对…感兴趣分享单词到:


标签: invention中文翻译



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