

激动英语 2023-12-01 13:39 422 墨鱼


mind, miss, keep, pardon, permit, postpone, practice, prevent, resist, risk, suggest, stop及下列短语动词的宾语:carry on, can’t help, feel like, give up, keep on, put o1.6 装逼(提升B格的slang,适用于和各国爱装B的年轻人交流)1.7正式场合英语(用于演讲,presentation

∩▽∩ 没有短语,有单词。excitedly:adv.兴奋地,激动地,情绪激昂地;愤慨地;心急火燎地excited 形容词,表示"兴奋的",指人、物对.感到兴奋,是(主动地感到)兴奋的扩展资料例句I would excite1.speak in a sudden outburst of passion情绪突然激动地说话She flashed out at Martin:“Do you really believe that no one has any idea what's going to happen?”她突然激动

一、单词:打牢你基础的第一步也是关键一步初阶:动态联想法——英语基础极差的同学可以参考:中阶方法英语短语激动Excited 令人激动的消息Exciting news 更令人激动More exciting 使人激动的Exciting 我认为摇滚乐是令人激动I think rock music is exciting

ˇωˇ be excited 不是被动语态,主语+表语结构excited—形容词a. 1. 兴奋的;激动的[(+about/at/over)这些短语是用来表达对某人活动的热情,或者用来支持或相信他们所做的某事。1.S + (so, really, very) happy / excited / delighted + for you / them / him / her 为你/他们/

be excited about 激动于be angry with 愤怒于be mad at 疯狂于be friendlyto 友好地去be pleased with 很高兴做be satisfied with 对……很满意be famous for 因……而著名look 短语1. look at 看2. look for 寻找3. look up 查阅,向上看4. look out 向外看,小心5. look over 仔细检查6. look after 照顾,照料7. 分享回复赞沈阳新东方


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