
point to a desk,point to the desk教案

pointothedesk 2023-12-03 09:54 184 墨鱼

point to a desk,point to the desk教案

Point to the desk教学设计教学目标:1、语言技能与知识目标:1)能听懂会说单词desk、chair及句型Point to the…并能做出正确的反应。2)能听懂会读本课的对话。会读课文。eg: 1.Point tothe door! 2.Point tothe desk! 课文翻译Unit 1 Sit down! 坐下!1.Listen and do. 听录音并做动作。Sit down!坐下!Stand up! 起立!Stand u

≥△≤ Module3 Unit2 Point to the desk 一、教学目标:1、知识目标:①识记单词:window 、blackboard、door、desk、chair ②认读句子:基本能听懂、会说、会读,并运用Sit down!Stanpoint to the face───指着脸come to the point───开门见山,直接说要点;到紧要关头;一语破的;直截了当地说;扼要地说双语使用场景Customer: "No, my desk is next

point to the desk 英式音标:pɒɪnt] [tə; before a vowel; tʊ; stressed; tuː] [ðə] [desk]美式音标:pɔɪnt] [tI greeted them with a wide smile, and when I spoke further, they replied with ice cold 2 A reminder echoed in my mind: you must live through it to get to them. So I gav

这是一份小学英语Unit 2 Point to desk.优秀教学课件ppt,文件包含外研版三起三上Module3Unit2Pointtothedesk课件pptx、外研版三起三上Module3Unit2Pointtothedesk教学设计docx、M3U2活动1mp4、M3UWhen clicking an internal point to create a hatch pattern in AutoCAD, the program freezes or hangs. It may take a long time to process the command. Pressing the Esc key


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