

消防造句子一年级 2023-12-12 18:00 221 墨鱼


1、nurse:英[n??s],美[n??rs]。2、例句]很多医生和护士已经夜以继日地工作数周了。Dozens of doctors and nurses have been working day and night for weeks.3护士的英语例句1. He actually became convinced that the nurses had an unanswerable case. 他实际上已经相信了护士们的情况确实如此。2. “Can you walk all right?”the nur

小学阶段,就已经有英语造句,写短文了,孩子上课进度慢,课后要花时间补回来,这个时候有一台能代替老师提供学习指导的工具就显得尤为重要了,特别适合我这种“英语学渣”的父母,在课下护士的英文[ hùshi ] 发音:"护士"的汉语解释用"护士"造句nurse 短语和例子是,护士;不,护士:ja zuster, nee zus 辩护士:advocate 当护士:go nursing 下载手机词典

>ω< 如下:Just ring for the nurse if you need her.如果需要护士,按一下铃就行了。I believe you have a complaint against one of our nurses.我认为你对我们的一护士:nurse 病人:patient 老板:employer 员工:employee 股东:shareholder 警察:police 犯人:prisoner 外国人:foreigner 城市人口:urban population 乡村人口:rural population 四、

比如nurse有护士,照顾护理和怀有敌意(She still nursed anger and resentment)的意思(有时候被细心护1.a trained [graduated] nurse经护士学校培训的护士2.The nurse sat up all night with the sick man.护士整夜没睡守护病人。3.This is the doctor in charge, nurse in c

护士造句:1、飘进飘出的女护士,一头黑发鬈曲得像绵羊尾巴。2、护士阿姨的脸更难看了,眉毛顿时拧成了疙瘩,额上沁出了汗珠。3、书籍是幼年人的导师,是老年人的护士,在岑寂的时候,书护士的英文例句1. One of the largest involved a coronary care nurse who was convicted in 1984 for killing of 12 elderly patients in California. 2. Burnhams captiv


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