
would have造句,用would造句

虚拟语气词的用法 2024-01-04 10:40 872 墨鱼

would have造句,用would造句

10. What phone do you have? 你有什么手机呢?11. Do you have any special rituals for your birthday? 在你生日时有什么比较特殊的礼节吗?12. Do you have all the peace1. 应该want。would like - 已解决- would like 愿意;想要would have(要不…就会;应该would you like 你想不想;您是否希…wenwen.soso|基于20个网页2. 将会

第一种是和but连用:I would have A, but I had to B.这种结构表示你过去想做某事,但却不能做。例如:I would have called, but there was no phone service. I would have loaned On summer evenings they would have dinner in the garden. 夏天的晚上他们经常在花园里吃晚饭。would造句1、Would you please tell me how to use the card catalogue? 请告诉

1、Whowould havethought? 2、Whowould havethought that would happen? 3、Professionalswould havesplit up. 4、Hewould haveno row. 5、Itwould haveno vit最后,“would”也可以用来表达愿望。例如,如果你想表达自己的愿望,你可以说:“I wish I would have more time to spend with my family.”(我希望我有更多的时间和家人在一起

86.If youwouldhaveused a napkin once in a while hewouldhavelet you alone. 如果你用餐巾纸擦擦他肯定不会舔你-- 来源-- 电影对白好评(10)差评() 87.That toowouldhavewould have done造句He said he would have done with my camera by the end of next month. 他说到下月底就不用我的照相机了。©2022 Baidu |由百度智能云提供计算服务|

╯△╰ iwould的造句和例句:1. Indeed, if i had known in advance that my journey would end up with me stranded and scared, i'm sure iwould have even embarked 的确,如果我She would have made an excellent teacher.她本可以成为杰出的教师。He would have to efface himself before his


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