

常见50种职业英文 2023-12-07 11:34 954 墨鱼


从事某职业work on的英语例句ballet manila presents a work on the life of gabriela silang, and other philippine ballets. in the meantime i have some 6、catching up to d正确说法是:My job is teaching English. (我的工作是教英语。正确表达职业可以用:I am+职业(I am a teacher.) I work as +职业(I work as a doctor.) My job is doing sth. 例

pursue an occupation 从事职业,就业pursue the tax payment 【法】追缴税款pursue a claim 进行索赔pursue the strategy of sustainable development 推行可持续发展战略相似单词pursu这个简单,例如我从事教育行业:I am engaged in the education sector be engaged in表示从事职业。附加:建筑行业Construction industry 电子行业Electro

ˇ△ˇ 你打算将来从事什么职业?What are you going to do in the future?= What will you do in the future?注:be going to do sth 打算做某事in the future 将来你想要从事什么职业?m: right now, actually, i'm trying to get into japan airlines as an international pilot. 其实现在,我想进入日本航空公司做一名国际

从事某职业work on的英语例句Ballet Manila presents a work on the life of Gabriela Silang, and other Philippine ballets. In the meantime I have some catching up to职业───occupation;从事───be engaged in 双语使用场景Bookkeeping is a sedentaryoccupation.───会计是一种需要坐着工作的职业. I haven't entered up your name

职业的英语:profession 一、音标:英[prə'feʃn] 美[prə'feʃn] 二、意思:职业;声明;行业;信仰三、短语:四、例句:167 评论6小时前发布嗯哼,嗯哼大家还能记得从事的英语职业的英语单词1 1. Restaurant Manager 饭店经理2. Sales and Planning Staff 销售计划员3. Sales Assistant 销售助理4. Sales Clerk 店员、售货员5. Sales Coordinator


标签: 学生职业规划英语作文



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