

excuseme造句简单 2023-11-27 23:08 950 墨鱼


28、It's a good idea that everyone wouldholdby.单词hold 例句大全,用单词hold造句:Holdon!Holdon! 坚持住!坚持住!Holdup.Holdon. What? 等下等下,什么A habit has aholdon you. 习惯能左右人。We'll be able toholdhim.

╯▽╰ 1. Hold your tongue! 别说了。2. How are you holding up? 你还好吧?3. Dont hold your breath. 别期望太高了。4. I cant hold it. 我憋不住想上厕所了。5hold造句复制1、This jar willholda kilo.(这个罐子能盛一千克。2、You shouldholdon to your oil shares.(你应该继续保留住你的石油股份。3、Our luck couldn'tholdfo

This method doesn't hold good in all cases.这一方法并非适用于所有情况。※ hold sth, against sb.意为“因某事对某人抱有意见”。如:He doesn't hold it 敲敲打打本来就是孩子喜欢干的事儿,所以,从我的个人经验看,很少有孩子不爱非洲鼓,同时它在演奏时的参与度还特别高,能与多种乐器进行合奏,无论是尤克里里、吉他,甚至是吹奏乐器,它都能hold住。父

hold造句子简单1. Please hold the door for me. 2. Can you hold this bag while I tie my shoelaces? 3. I need to hold my breath to swim underwater. 4. The teacher a2.Hold yourself still for a moment while I take your photograph.我给你拍照的那一刹那,你不要动.3.We held our breath in fear.我们因害怕而屏住呼吸.4.We

?▂? 64. It is not in the stars to hold our destiny but in ourselves. 不是天上的星星来掌握我们的命运,而是我们自己。65. Imperfection is beauty, madness is genius and it's be1、记上一笔,hold住我的快乐!2、今天开老爸的大车,整辆车被我hold住!3、HR的事情很多,但是相信乖巧的你一定可以HOLD住的4、今早将有才女来面试,且貌不俗~要hold住5、所谓


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