

act 短语 2023-11-11 21:04 950 墨鱼
act 短语


act有表现的意思,它可作为多种词性使用,下面是白话文整理的act的用法与搭配是什么【通用3篇】希望能够帮助到大家。act的英语例句:篇一1、He wants to actact例句1. He wants to act in concert with other nations. 他想和其他国家采取一致行动。2. Politicians across the political spectrum have denounced t

act的用法例句act的⽤法例句act⽤作名词表⽰⾏为,⾏动,假装等含义;⽤作动词,既可⽤作不及物动词,也可⽤作及物动词和系动词,表⽰⾏动,举⽌,表演等含义。act⽤作动词act的用法有act as,act for,act out,act on,in the act等。act作名词表示行为,act作动词表示行动、假装。扩展资料act短语用法及例句:1、act as 担任,充当,起……的作用。

大小写变形:ACT 点击人工翻译,了解更多人工释义词态变化复数:acts; 第三人称单数:acts; 过去式:acted; 过去分词:acted; 现在分词:acting; 实用场景例句全部行动表现表usually的用法例句1. I picked first all the people who usually were left till last. 我先挑出了所有通常留到最后的人。2. The brothers usually roll into their studio aro

●△● act例句篇六1. He wants to act in concert with other nations. 他想和其他国家采取一致行动。2. Politicians across the political spectrum have denoun词汇精选:act的用法和辨析一、详细释义:n. 行为,行动[C] 例句:This act is abhorrent to me. 这种行为使我感到厌恶例句:We disdain a dishonest act. 我

usually的用法例句1. I picked first all the people who usually were left till last. 我先挑出了所有通常留到最后的人。2. The brothers usually roll into their studio aroact的用法有act as,act for,act out,act on,in the act等。act作名词表示行为,act作动词表示行动、假装。act短语用法及例句1.act as 担任,充当,起……的作用。如:A trained dog


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