

stretch造句简单 2023-12-26 11:18 643 墨鱼


itch 双语例句1. Poverty could not explain the reason why peasants join revolution, no doubt that revolutionary peasants had an itch for material benefit, but tra13、From the thalamus, the "itch" message is passed to the cerebral cortex, which interprets the signals and produces the sensation ofitch. 14、Prod

\ _ / itch造句子1、Iitchall over、我浑身发痒。2、His remarksitched me、他的话使我不痛快。3、The insect biteitched all night、虫子的叮咬痒痒了一整夜。4、His wool双语例句When someone has hayfever, the eyes and nose will stream and itch 花粉热临床表现为流泪、流涕,眼睛、鼻子发痒。My skin was hard and scaly and I itched. 我

Itch (Itchy) skin is a common problem. 皮肤搔痒是一种常见问题。To feel, have, or produce anitch. 发痒感到痒、使人发痒或发痒Thisitchis driving me crazy. 这种痒的单词itch 例句大全,用单词itch造句:coolieitch 钩虫皮病,钩虫痒病copraitch. 干椰子肉痒病Iitchall over. 我浑身刺痒。Mosquito bitesitch. 蚊叮处发痒。suffer from th

╯ω╰ 13、From the thalamus, the "itch" message is passed to the cerebral cortex, which interprets the signals and produces the sensation ofitch. 14、Prod1、单词itch做动词的时候,可以理解为发痒、使发痒。请看例句:I itch all over.我浑身痒。Does the rash itch?皮疹痒吗?This sweater really itches.这件毛衣真刺痒。When someon


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