
abundant of用法,be fond of用法

abundance用法 2023-11-13 22:38 149 墨鱼

abundant of用法,be fond of用法

abundant 的中文翻译是:充足的,甚至可翻作是大量的用法主要有如下几种:我就以短语的形式解释给你) 1.something is abundant 【资料图】Rainfall is abundan用法主要有如下几种:我就以短语的形式解释给你)1.something is abundantRainfall is abundant in this region.该地区降雨丰沛.2.be abundant with China is abundant with n

1. April brought the first flush of grass. 四月野草初茂。flush 网络解释1. 冲洗:一组索引节点(inode)存储单元系统调用sysc把被缓存的超级块冲洗(flush)到硬盘的永久位置abundant的用法adj. 大量的;丰盛的;充裕的记忆技巧:ab 加强+ und 溢出;波动+ ant …的→〔多得〕溢出来→ 丰富的abundant的例句1.There is an abundant

abundant的用法和辨析一、详细释义:adj. 大量的,充足的,充裕的,丰富的例句:Our country has a large population, vast territory and abundant resources. 我国人口众多,1. One of Marie Curie's outstanding achievements was to have understood the need to accumulate intense radioactive sources, not only to treat illness

Abundant precipitation, dry clear, are unevenly distributed. 降水充沛,干湿分明,分布不均. ——期刊摘选20、In application process, people accumulated an abundBy far the most abundant type of groundwater is meteoric water. 到目前为止,最丰富的地下水资源是雨水。篇5:exercise用法辨析练兵秣马:exercise用法辨析Bodily exercise, whe


标签: be fond of用法



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