

英语情景对话范文 2023-11-26 19:43 109 墨鱼


学习英语一般都是从最简单的日常对话开始的,不知道大家是否还记得自己刚学英语时候的场景,嗨李梅,都是从打招呼开始的。今天我们也为大家整理了日常英语口语情景Dialogue情景对话1   K:Do you want to go out for dinner tonight?  N:Sure.Have you got anywhere in mind?  K:I'm starving,so maybe we could go somewhere with l

ˋ^ˊ 一、感谢招待A:Mrs. wu, would you care for another helping?吴小姐,还要再来一点吗?B:No more, thank you. I'm quite full.不啦,谢谢。我已经够饱了。A:Did you en日常英语口语情景对话1 Tina: Good morning, Ann. 早上好啊,安。Ann: Morning, Tina. 早上好,蒂娜。Tina: Do you know what date it is today? 你知道今天是几号吗?Ann: Yeah, i

∩﹏∩ 日常英语口语情景对话-问路篇一Dialogue情景对话1 K:Hi,Austin.I'm just calling to see if you are OK. A:I'm fine,but I seem to be a bit lost. K:OK,wh日常英语口语情景对话篇一brian: i feel hungry dario. do you have any food in your fridge? dario: i think there is only a bottle of coke in the fridge today. brian: you

Making a Telephone Call 1、日常英语口语对话-打电话常用例句简在家吗?Is Jane at home? 我想和托马斯先生通话。I’d like to speak to Mr. Thomas. 接线员,我的电话断了。Ope【机场接人英语口语对话】史密斯:Sorry to interrupt you. but aren't you Mr. Wu from China? 抱歉.打扰一下.请问您是中国来的吴先生吗?吴先生:Oh.yes.I am. 哦.对.我是.阿希

日常英语口语情景对话-主题游篇一Dialogue情景对话1 I:Have you ever been to Disneyworld? M:When I was young,my parents took me to the one in Califor日常英语口语情景对话1 Marcelo: In my opinion, I think that we need to look at the question more from the customer’s perspective. I really feel we need to do more


标签: 口语对话场景



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