

where are the 2023-11-11 17:57 674 墨鱼
where are the


Where are the footballs ? They’re in the box. 17、How many •••are there •••There is•••/ There are •••How many doors are there i“where”后面用“is”还是“are”:一、Where后面跟的动词是is还是are, 主要取决于主语是单数还是复数。若是单数,用is; 若是复数,就用are。Where is your backpack? 你的双肩背包在

want to be…“想要成为……想要变得……”,动词be后接形容词或名词。Do you want to be a teacher? 你想成为一名老师吗?I don’t want to be old! 我不想变老!Unit7 How much答:用is还是are,是取决于后面的主语(名词)。详解如下:1)Where is + 单数名词/不可数名词?主语是单数名词或不可数名词时,用isWhere is the apple?苹果在哪里?the apple是单

⊙﹏⊙ where do :do 是助动词,后面加表示动作的词,指主语发出的动作,例如where do you go?where is:is 表示状态,指主语所处的状态,例如where are you?2.报到地点:佛山一中高一年级各教室。3.报到应携带资料:(1)准考证。2)户口本原件。3)身份证原件及2份复印件。4)准备一张电子版小一寸蓝底证件照,以自

结构︰问句:How much+单数不可数名词+do/does+主词+have? 答句:主词+have/has…单数不可数名词。答句:主词+don’t/doesn’t have…单数不可数名词。说明︰“How much”由where引导的特殊疑问句意在询问人或者物品所在的位置,句式“where +be+名词”,注意where后的be动词用is还是用are,取决于be动词后面的名词时单数还是复数。答语句式:It is +介词

>ω< Do you know that there are two special days for parents in America? I believe that there are many ways to show our love. It is also a good idea to h一个是be动词,一个是系动词,表示动作的时候用do,表示属性的时候用are,比如你是谁,是属性所以用are,而你在干什


标签: whereyouare是什么意思



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