
in their efforts to persuade

极游v2ray节点 2023-11-20 15:40 999 墨鱼

in their efforts to persuade

9.A) Persuade the man to join her company. C) Export bikes to foreign markets. B) Employ the most up-to-date technology. D) Expand their domestic business. 10. A)4、In their efforts to persuade us to buy this or that product, advertisers have made a close study of human nature and have classified all our little weaknesses. Effor

in their efforts to cope with unemployment. They cannot expect to cope with public education on the scale on which we must attempt it. The answer to the problem o作目的状语,修饰谓语动词,说明动作的目的。in one's effort to 类似于in order to。拓展知识:用in order to do sth表目的,是to do sth的变体。用in order to

CACIn their efforts to persuade us to buy this or that …老师,这里的to persuade us to buy this or that …第一个to是不定式作后置定语,第二个to是persuade sb to do sth

14.In their efforts to persuade us to buy that product.shopkeepers have made a close study of human nature and haveclassified all our little weaknesses.in their efforts to cope with unemployment. They cannot expect to cope with public education on the scale on which we must attempt it. The answer to the problem o

A. To bring long-lasting material rewards. B. To present evidence such as statistics and facts. C. To respond to questions in a systematic way. D. ToQuestions 9 to 12 are based on the conversation you have just heard.9. A. Persuade the man to join her company. B. Employ the most up-to-date techno


标签: 苹果的梯子



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